How to Lose Weight While Quitting Smoking

Weight gain is one of the reasons why most smokers are afraid to leave. They think that once they leave the service, the body's metabolism will change significantly and store fat instead of using it. Although not scientifically proven, although the majority of smokers who quit do not gain weight, no former smokers who have gained weight after quitting. So if you want to quit smoking and not gain any extra weight, this article is for you.

This may surprise you, but the reality is that you should not have excess fat when you stop smoking. Why? The fat from the food you eat and stop making any major changes in the metabolism of your body. There are two main reasons why this myth came to be smokers fist just make this excuse to protect their addiction. Secondly, intentionally or unintentionally smokers develop bad eating habits during the withdrawal phase.
Defending a dependency of giving all kinds of excuses as weight gain is normal. The addict by all means try to justify their habit and so it has become difficult to leave. The smoker must learn to change your thinking about smoking. On the other hand, the second reason given above is the real reason that add weight when they quit smoking.

To make life easier for the withdrawal phase resigning, keep their mouths occupied by eating all kinds of things especially junk food. As the mouth of ex-smokers have improved and the taste of the food you eat.
Before he or she thinks a deadly habit is about to replace the old habit is unhealthy eating and could adversely affect the body of the ex-smoker. Soon they'll want to stop smoking as the main reason why I have become obese or fat. Again, they will try to protect its newly developed bad habit that leads them to be overweight.

Now that we know the facts, it is very easy to lose weight while quitting. Instead of the mouth busy with food, why chewing gum are not many people in place. Drinking water is also a good idea to keep cravings or urges during the withdrawal phase. The important thing is to avoid eating unhealthy foods or junk food. So instead of a bag of potato snacks why not try to eat a bag of fresh young carrots?
Leave your nicotine addiction causes a lot of discipline, commitment and motivation. The percentage of ex-smokers is very low compared to those without. So if you want to quit smoking successfully, you should start your quit right from the start. You should not replace smoking with another habit destructive and unhealthy eating habits.

You should do your best to find a positive habit to replace the old. And once you have successfully supported the removal step, not only quit smoking, but also managed to control your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The author is to help smokers quit their addiction through their website - quit the blog. Visit his site today and discover tips to quit smoking that will help you start your journey to becoming a non-smoker again.

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