You Know What's Healthy To Eat, Here Are 10 Tips On How To Eat Healthy

 Conventional wisdom will tell you that it takes at least 21 days to make a habit. I have found (through the lens of my client's experience) that it really only takes about 14 days of consistent effort to develop a sustainable habit. In the beginning it is more important to learn how to eat healthy than merely what to eat. The vast majority of us know what is healthy and what is not. You absolutely know that ordering grilled chicken with vegetables is a superior option to buffalo wings and fries.

Treat these 14 days as something brand new. This is going to be fun! Especially when the fat starts melting off. It doesn't matter how many times you have attempted to change your nutrition for the better and failed. You can do this.

Again, the purpose of this article is to provide practical tips to teach you how to eat healthy, instead of merely what to eat. I have personally witnessed hundreds of people achieve incredible results by implementing these concepts.

Here are my top 10 practical tips on HOW to eat (and drink) healthy in no particular order of importance.

1. Carry a reusable bottle of water that holds 30oz. Your requirement for water will vary based on a number of factors, but if you are nearing the 100oz. mark that is probably a good start.
2. Buy tons of Tupperware! You will need it.
3. Do your best to set aside an hour long block of time on a Saturday or Sunday to cook your meals for the week.
4. Eat with purpose! Don't snack just to snack.
5. Keep "emergency" foods around such as almonds and Greek yogurt. These are insurance policies in case you are too busy to prepare all of your meals.
6. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, every 2 1/2 -3 hours. If you are off by up to 30 minutes don't sweat it! I am sure you would like to see how this is possible. As an example, take a look at my day.

Meal 1- 4:15AM
Meal 2- 8AM
Meal 3- 11AM
Meal 4- 1:30PM
Meal 5- 4PM
Meal 6- 7-7:30PM

7. If you are attempting to lose weight or change your body composition in any way; approach each meal as if it is just as or more important as your workout.
8. Remember that you are changing for the better while eating, and that diet accounts for roughly 70% of your results from exercise. Hearing this fact is one thing, but experiencing it is illuminating and encouraging!
9. Once you have either consulted a dietitian, nutritionist, fitness expert, or done your own research, stick to your plan no matter what.
10. This last tip is most of my clients' favorite. Plan to have your cheat meals comprise 10% of your total meals. If you eat 5 meals a day 7 days a week that would equal 4 meals (I am rounding up for your benefit).
Bonus tip: Do not have a complete "cheat day." They take way too long to recover from!
I hope this article helps you lose bodyfat!

I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist based in DFW, Texas
Contact me with your fitness-related questions at
If you really are interested in simplifying this whole "diet" thing, and don't want to spend hours and hours cooking and preparing your meals, click on the link below.Article Source:

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