Lose Inches Fast - 5 Day Diet Alternates Fasting and Cheating

If you want to lose inches fast for a special event or just to get swimsuit ready for the beach the best way is to use a diet strategy that alternate between fasting or very low calorie days and cheat days. This method allows the body together so that your metabolism does not slow down and your continued weight loss week after week. There is a technique to it and you can read the daily eating plan below.

Lose inches fast
The model that we will follow is designed to prevent a slowdown of metabolism. When fast or restrict calories too long your body says that hunger and stops your ability to burn fat so you do not waste away. You must work with your body to bypass the protection mechanism and the secret is to place strategically days of cheating in your diet. One day is enough to boost your metabolism to increase to almost normal levels. Ready to learn the strategy of food five days? Here it is ...

Day One - Tricks. You want to start this diet 5 days with a high-calorie day. its crazy? Not at all. In this way, there are setting up for the rapid weight loss. When you eat too much you stimulate hormones to burn fat and actually burn fat faster in the coming days when calories are limited.

Second day - Start your period of caloric restriction. Through fasting or severely limit the diet to date to maximize fat loss, because your body is triggered by overeating yesterday. E 'a good idea to exercise that day for an extra boost of weight loss.

Third Day - Lift up the calories slightly to have a low calorie day. You do not want to fast for two days in a row to three days is a low calorie day. This means that women are about 1,000 calories and men in the range of calories in mid-1000.

Fourth day - that day you need to protect your metabolism with a slight increase in carbohydrates. You can do this by eating your meals in this way: 40% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% protein.

Day Five - This is an important day because it is the last day of the diet and you will prepare yourself for overeating day tomorrow cheating. To do this, you want to eat a diet rich in protein, low in carbohydrates.

This is the base model and you can repeat this trend to continue to lose weight. It 'a good idea to give your body a break after about 5 cycles, but this plan to maximize fat loss while at the same time keep your metabolism high, is a great way to lose inches fast.

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