Why Biking Is an Effective Weight Loss Exercise for Heavy People

 If you are looking for an effective weight loss exercise and not compromise your health and safety, consider biking. Here are the reasons why biking is a good and effective weight loss exercise.

1. Biking is friendly to the joints.

Biking is a non-impact form of exercise, which means that it does not place pressure or strain on the joints. Even the heaviest rider and one with knee injury can safely ride a bicycle and drop some weight. With today's improved bikes which can support even the heaviest person, biking has become an excellent workout option for everyone.

2. Biking strengthens all of the body's biggest muscles.

When you ride a bicycle, you are able to make use of your biggest muscles -- hip muscles, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. You are also able to build lean muscle tissues in our lower body, particularly in the legs and glutes. These are essential in increasing the body's ability to melt away fat.

3. Biking trains the muscles to shed more fat.

Cycling, especially long rides, can build thousands of capillaries in the legs. This means that the body is capable of distributing more oxygen-rich blood to all working muscles. The mitochondria, the fat-burning structures in the muscles also get bigger. The increase oxygen flow will help these structures to generate more energy and burn more fat.

4. Biking increases daily calorie burn.

Biking also help increase how much calories you can burn daily. While riding, your body is shedding hundreds of calories per hour. In fact, even if you're only riding as a recreational activity at a pace of 12-15 mph, you can burn 500-600 calories in an hour. In one week, you can lose more than one pound just by biking for one hour each day. An hour of jogging only burns 350-450 calories per hour while walking only burns 150-250 calories per hour.

5. Biking continues to burn calories long after a ride ends.

Biking stimulates the body to continue burning more calories at a higher speed even if you are already taking a rest after a ride. The body continues to repair and replenish the muscles. In addition, biking increases Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories you burn when you are not exercising. Studies show that 30-45 minutes of workout three to four days per week can increase BMR and maintain a high rate throughout the day.

These are the top five reasons why biking is a good and effective weigh loss exercise.
Zize Bikes is the maker of durable, safe, and easy-to-ride bicycles that hold riders up to 550 pounds! These bicycles for heavy riders have strong custom built frames, large extra strong disc brakes, wide well-padded saddles, strong rims and tires, sturdy mountain bike platform pedals, and custom internal gears.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_S._Denizot
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